Premium sewing threads for technical textiles




In the case of technical textiles, it is not only their visual appeal that counts but above all their function. When worn as protective clothing or processed into a tent, textile products are often exposed to extreme conditions such as heat, moisture or high tensile forces. Like the fabrics, the sewing threads used here must also be extremely robust and guarantee safety.

High-tech threads for high performance and safety

When textiles take on a safety-relevant task, it is important that they not only meet the legal requirements, specifications and guidelines but that they are also of reliable quality. This naturally also applies to all yarns and threads used in such tasks. With our product portfolio we deliver solutions for any application, however complex, and guarantee our customers the best possible product quality in compliance with all specifications.

Medical Protective Clothing

People who work in the medical sector require special clothing to protect others and themselves from potential transmittable diseases, such as viruses. These textiles must have special characteristics to fulfil the highest requirements when dealing with patients in hospitals, etc.

Face mask

AMANN sewing thread recommendation for face masks

Our sewing thread recommendation for processing face masks is Saba 120.

Seam no. Seam type  Stitch type Needle thread Bobbin or looper thread Needle size min. Nm Needle size min. No
      Article Ticket no. Tex no. Article Ticket no. Tex no.    
1 Closing and topstitch seams 301 lockstitch Saba 120 24 Saba 120 24 65 9



AMANN sewing thread recommendation for casaque

As an universal sewing thread for casaque we recommend Saba 120.
Depending on the fabric and the sewing conditions, such as the stitch density and stitch type, it might be worthwhile selecting other qualities from the AMANN range:

Seam no. Seam type  Stitch type Needle thread Bobbin or looper thread Needle size min. Nm Needle size min. No
      Article Ticket no. Tex no. Article Ticket no. Tex no.    
1 Closing and topstitch seams 301 lockstitch Saba 120 24 Saba 120 24 65 9
2 Closing seams 514 4-thread overlock stitch Saba 120 24 Saba 120 24 65 9


Surgical gown

AMANN sewing thread recommendation for surgical gowns

Our sewing thread recommendation for processing surgical gowns is Saba 120.

Seam no. Seam type  Stitch type Needle thread Bobbin or looper thread Needle size min. Nm Needle size min. No
      Article Ticket no. Tex no. Article Ticket no. Tex no.    
1 Closing and topstitch seams 301 lockstitch Saba 120 24 Saba 120 24 65 9
2 Closing seams 514 4-thread overlock stitch Saba 120 24 Saba 120 24 65 9


Surgical pants

AMANN sewing thread recommendation for protective clothing

Our sewing thread recommendation for processing surgical pants is Saba 120.

Seam no. Seam type  Stitch type Needle thread Bobbin or looper thread Needle size min. Nm Needle size min. No
      Article Ticket no. Tex no. Article Ticket no. Tex no.    
1 Closing and topstitch seams 301 lockstitch Saba 120 24 Saba 120 24 65 9
2 Closing seams     401 double chainstitch Saba 120 24 Saba 120 24 65 9
3 Serging seams 504 3-thread overlock stitch Saba 120 24 Saba 120 24 65 9


Protective clothing

Fire, projectiles or chemicals: For some professions, special protective clothing is not just a must. To protect the wearers from injuries when carrying out their tasks, the functional textiles must withstand extreme external influences. Our product range offers a suitable sewing thread for each of these demanding fields of application.

Protective clothing

AMANN sewing thread recommendation for protective clothing

Our sewing thread recommendation for processing protective clothing is K-tech.

Seam no. Seam type  Stitch type Needle thread Bobbin or looper thread Needle size min. Nm Needle size min. No
      Article Ticket no. Tex no. Article Ticket no. Tex no.    
1 Closing seams 301 lockstitch K-tech 50 60 K-tech 50 60 110 18
2 Topstitch seam 301 lockstitch K-tech 35 80 K-tech 35 80 120 19


Firefighter uniform

AMANN sewing thread recommendation for firefighter uniforms

Our general sewing thread recommendation for processing firefighter uniforms is N-tech. For sewing seams on firefighter uniforms, we recommend using N-tech CS.

Seam no. Seam type  Stitch type Needle thread Bobbin or looper thread Needle size min. Nm Needle size min. No.
      Article Ticket no. Tex no. Article Ticket no. Tex no.    
1 Closing and topstitch seams 301 lockstitch N-tech 70 40 N-tech 70 40 80 12
2 Closing seams 401 double chainstitch N-tech 70 40 N-tech 70 40 80 12
3 Topstitch seams 301 lockstitch N-tech 40 75 N-tech 70 40 100 16
4 Serging seams 504 3-thread overlock stitch N-tech CS 120 25 N-tech CS 120 25 70 10
5 Bar tack 304 lockstitch N-tech 70 40 N-tech 70 40 80 12


Outdoor textiles

Nothing is as volatile as the weather. Outdoor textiles are directly exposed to changing weather conditions and must offer reliable protection in both heat and moisture – if possible over many years. Whether for awnings or tents: The robust sewing threads from our diverse range withstand wind and weather and are ideally suited for outdoor use.


AMANN sewing thread recommendation for tents

Our sewing thread recommendation for processing tents is Serafil WRe or alternatively Rasant WR.

Seam no. Seam type  Stitch type Needle thread Bobbin or looper thread Needle size min. Nm Needle size min. No
      Article Ticket no. Tex no. Article Ticket no. Tex no.    
1 Closing and topstitch seam 301 lockstitch Serafil WRe 40 70 Serafil WRe 40 70 90 14
2 Topstitch seam 301 lockstitch Serafil WRe 40 70 Serafil WRe 40 70 90 14


AMANN sewing thread recommendation for awnings

Our sewing thread recommendation for processing awnings are Serabond and Tenara.

seam no. seam type  stitch type needle thread bobbin or looper thread needle size min. Nm needle size min. No
      article ticket no. tex no. article ticket no. tex no.    
1 closing and topstitch seam 301 lockstitch Serabond 40 70 Serabond 40 70 90 14
2 topstitch seam 301 lockstitch Serabond 40 70 Serabond 40 70 90 14



AMANN sewing thread recommendation for tarpaulins

Our sewing thread recommendation for processing tarpaulins is Outdoor-Pro.

seam no. seam type  stitch type needle thread bobbin or looper thread needle size min. Nm needle size min. No
      article ticket no. tex no. article ticket no. tex no.    
1 Closing seams 301 lockstitch Outdoor-Pro 40 70 Outdoor-Pro 40 70 100 16
2 Decorative seams 301 lockstitch Outdoor-Pro 20 135 Outdoor-Pro 40 70 130 21


Outdoor furniture

AMANN sewing thread recommendation for outdoor furniture

Our sewing thread recommendation for processing outdoor furniture is Outdoor-Pro.

seam no. seam type  stitch type needle thread bobbin or looper thread needle size min. Nm needle size min. No
      article ticket no. tex no. article ticket no. tex no.    
1 Closing seams 301 lockstitch Outdoor-Pro 40 70 Outdoor-Pro 40 70 100 16
2 Decorative seams 301 lockstitch Outdoor-Pro 20 135 Outdoor-Pro 40 70 110 18


Lifting and restraint systems

They play an important role in transport and hold together what belongs together: Hoisting and restraining slings straps are subject to high tensile forces and wear in the packing and transporting of goods. High-performance textiles must be sewn safely so that they do what they promise - our special sewing threads provide the necessary resistance.

Hoisting slings and tethers

AMANN sewing thread recommendation for hoisting slings and tethers

Our sewing thread recommendation for processing hoisting slings and tethers is Xtreme-tech with Dyneema®. Serabond, Gore® Tenara® and Strongbond can be used as an alternative.

Seam no. Seam type  Stitch type Needle thread Bobbin or looper thread Needle size min. Nm Needle size min. No
      Article Ticket no. Tex no. Article Ticket no. Tex no.    
1 Topstich seams 301 lockstitch Xtreme-tech 20 150 Xtreme-tech 20 150 160 23



Composite materials such as carbon and glass fibre fabrics set the trend for the mobility and energy supply of tomorrow. These lightweight and extremely durable materials are used in the automotive, aircraft and shipbuilding industries, in trains and space technology as well as in wind turbines, for example. A special embroidery process – and our specially developed threads – are required to ensure that the advantages of lightweight components are fully exploited.


AMANN sewing thread recommendation for composites

Our sewing thread recommendation for processing composites in the TFP embroidery process of thermoplastic components is Serafil Comphil.

Seam no. Seam type  Stitch type Needle thread Bobbin or looper thread Needle size min. Nm Needle size min. No
      Article Ticket no. Tex no. Article Ticket no. Tex no.    
1 Placed Roving - - - - - - - - -
2 Fixing seam 304 lockstitch zigzag Serafil Comphil 180 (120/2) 16 Serafil Comphil 180 (120/2) 16 65 9


Conductive textiles

The requirements placed on the materials are as diverse as the fields of application for conductive textiles. While they provide important vital data for monitoring a person’s health via direct contact with the skin in the medical field, for example, Smart Yarns can ensure the optimal temperature when used as heating or cooling elements in work clothes or cars. Not only can conductive yarns be embroidered or sewn – woven together they are also suitable for flat applications.

Conductive textiles

AMANN sewing thread recommendation for conductive textiles

Our sewing thread recommendation for processing conductive textiles is Silver-tech.

Seam no. Seam type  Stitch type Needle thread Bobbin or looper thread Needle size min. Nm Needle size min. No
      Article Ticket no. Tex no. Article Ticket no. Tex no.    
1 Embroidered conductor 301 lockstitch Silver-tech 120 28 Silver-tech 120 28 75 11
2 Embroidered sensor point 301 lockstitch Silver-tech 120 28 Silver-tech 120 28 75 11
3 Power connector 301 lockstitch - - - - - - - -



Textile filters have to fulfil the most varied chemical resistance requirements depending on method and on filtrate (wet or dry filtration, hot-gas or liquid-gas filtration).

Our sewing thread recommendation for processing filters is PP-tech.
D-tech and Zyex® can be used as alternatives.

Special threads and yarns for technical textiles

With regard to textiles that perform safety-relevant tasks, it is essential that they meet the legal requirements, specifications and guidelines in addition to reliable quality. Of course, this also applies to all sewing yarns and sewing threads that are used for this purpose. AMANN's broad product portfolio of technical sewing threads and embroidery threads offers solutions for every application, no matter how complex, and guarantees customers the best possible product quality while complying with all specifications.

Sewing threads for protective clothing & outdoor textiles

AMANN offers special sewing threads for the processing of protective clothing, e.g. sewing threads for fire and heat protection (fire brigade), sewing threads for flame protection (blast furnaces and smelters), sewing threads for racing or sewing threads for bullet-proof vests, as used by the police. AMANN also offers special sewing threads for outdoor textiles, e.g. sewing threads for sails, sewing threads for tents, sewing threads for awnings, sewing threads for boat covers or sewing threads for tarpaulins.

Special yarns for lifting and restraint systems & composites

Lifting and restraint systems are essential for safe transport. AMANN offers sewing threads, which are specially manufactured for use with lifting and retaining belts and can withstand heavy loads. Composites, such as carbon and glass fibre fabrics, are again groundbreaking for the mobility and energy supply of tomorrow. For this field of application AMANN features products, which are equipped with a special finish developed for composites.

Smart yarns for smart textiles & filters

Smart Yarns are intelligent sewing and embroidery threads with special functions. In the field of conductivity, they can be used in medicine, for example, to provide information about a patient's vital data. Being processed as a heating or cooling element in work clothing or automobiles, they can in turn ensure the optimum temperature. Whether for embroidery, sewing or textiles surfaces - AMANN's smart yarns for smart textiles are guaranteed to be the right choice. Moreover, AMANN also offers special yarns for filtration, e.g. for sewing threads for solid/liquid separation, sewing threads for wet filtration or sewing threads for dedusting.